Tuesday, September 18, 2007

State Fair, part II

Last night we went to the fair again and we were able to do a few more things. We saw a "wiener pig" and a "cow rabbit." I did not take pictures, because really it was just a pig laying out Superman style and Jonathan thought said "Hey look how long that pig is.....I guess it is a wiener pig!" and Abbey saw a black and white spotted bunny rabbit and said "Look mom, a cow rabbit!" I thought they were both pretty cute.
Jonathan liked "Bull man" in the kids' Agtropolis area- and thus the pictures:

We mostly just walked around, listened to a little music, played a few games and the highlight for most of us was riding in the wind tower. For those of you non-OKC-ites our local electric company has an educational tower that is as tall as a wind tower and you can ride up it and spin around (slowly) for a few minutes while they inform you about the process, or something like that, I wouldn't know because Jonathan was about to rip my arm off. He wasn't as excited as the rest of us about going up in the elevator. When we came down he said "I liked it more than I didn't like it" and by the time we got out to the car he had really enjoyed the ride and getting to see daddy's work buildings (or somewhere in the vicinity) and all of the city lights. Abbey made sure that I knew she was having fun and that she wasn't crying. After that it was home and to bed. We had a fun night.

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