A huge turtle that is gearing up for a good run from the human. I am not kidding this creature could move. Of course, the older two were at school so I had to catch him for later viewings. After several attempts to cage him I finally did in our recycling box.
After a few "Can we keep hims" we took him to a nearby pond and set him free. He seemed much happier swimming than trying desperately to get out of a recycling box. Seriously though, this guy (?) was a good 8 inches in length.
Anyway, the pictures are of him and then of the kids saying bye. I don't think I got it in a still picture, but Mollie said "bye, bye" and waved as he climbed into the water. It was too cute.
The last picture is just one that was taken by my budding photographer, Abbey. Occasionally I let the kids take a few, and I liked this one, so I thought that I would share. Mollie and Mommy, aren't we cute???
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