Monday, April 28, 2008

Yikes! Bikes

So a week, or so ago we took the kids out to look for bikes. Jonathan and I had spoken of it, once or twice, and Roy and Jonathan had found the most amazing "dirt bike" at Walmart and it was love at first sight for Jonathan. Seriously, he wouldn't stop talking about it....bikes in the morning, bikes at bedtime.........However, Jonathan was a little big for that one and after much looking he got an even cooler one that is red and has trick bars (?) on it. Oh, did I mention it also has training wheels. For now........I don't have any -on bike- pictures, but I will get some posted soon.

Abbey got a lovely Disney princess bike complete with front bag and water bottle, oh, and I can't forget the totally awesome shimmery ribbons coming out the handle bars. WAY COOL!

Here are a few pics of the soon to be Amazing Greenway riders---

1 comment:

Jeny said...

What is Mollie going to ride? Totally cool to have a trick bike and training wheels! I am so glad to get to see your blog! Thanks!